Statistics of Holticulture in Batu Municipality 2022 - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Batu Municipality

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Statistics of Holticulture in Batu Municipality 2022

Catalog Number : 5204003.3579
Publication Number : 35790.2322
Publishing Frequency : Annually
Release Date : December 29, 2023
Language : Indonesian
File Size : 1.56 MB


Data from the 2022 Horticultural Agricultural Statistics Survey in Batu Municipality is presented in the form of reviews, graphs and tables broken down by commodity for each type of horticultural plant. Thus, it is hoped that this publication will be able to describe the condition of horticultural agriculture in Batu Municipality from 2016 to 2022. Apart from the data presented in the form of a brief review and tables, an explanation of the survey background, methodology, concepts and definitions is also provided. This presentation is intended to help data users understand and utilize Horticultural Agricultural Statistics Survey data
Badan Pusat Statistik

BPS-Statistics Indonesia

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