VHTL 2014 - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Batu Municipality

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VHTL 2014

VHTL 2014

February 1, 2014 | BPS Activities

Statistical data collection hotels and other accommodation (VHTL) conducted regularly every year. Name and address of the hotel was obtained from the results of the previous year field data collection. In general, the purpose of enumeration company / business accommodation services are as follows:

  1. Getting specific characteristics (profile) operations / company accommodation,
  2. Get an overview of the financing structure,
  3. Develop framework (sampling frame) for purposes other surveys

Company / business accommodation covered in this activity is the whole hotel (1 through 5) and non-star hotel / jasmine, which includes lodging adolescents (youth hostel), cottage (home stay), villas, and services-term accommodation other short as bungalows and cottages. Enumeration company / business accommodation services (VHTL) This is a complete census, to Batu numbers there are 440 Company. The schedule for implementation of its activities began on February 6, 2014 until March 30, 2014.
Badan Pusat Statistik

BPS-Statistics Indonesia

Badan Pusat Statistik Kota Batu (Statistics of Batu Municipality) Jl. Melati No. 11.Songgokerto

Kota Batu

Jawa Timur

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Fax. (0341) 512575Homepage : http://batukota.bps.go.id  E-mail : bps3579@bps.go.id





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