Podes 2014 - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Batu Municipality

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Podes 2014

Podes 2014

April 1, 2014 | BPS Activities

Podes data collection conducted every three years to accompany the three kinds of vicarious BPS census (Census / SP, Census of Agriculture / ST and the Economic Census / SE). In 2014, the activities undertaken to accompany Podes Economic Census 2015

The purpose of data collection is to provide data Podes potential / state of development in rural / village and its development which includes the social, economic, infrastructure, as well as the potential that exists in rural / village; Provides data for various purposes, especially with regard to the needs of regional planning (spatial) in stiap area.

Characteristics collected include: general condition village / village; Infrastructure in rural / village, district, and district / city; Socio-economic facilities in villages / wards. The method of data collection is by direct interview Podes. Because Podes 2014 Economic Census accompanying activities (SE 2015), the emphasis of matter in 2014 Podes implementation refers to the census that followed.
Badan Pusat Statistik

BPS-Statistics Indonesia

Badan Pusat Statistik Kota Batu (Statistics of Batu Municipality) Jl. Melati No. 11.Songgokerto

Kota Batu

Jawa Timur

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